Career Exploration Programs for Exchange Students
Exploring a career in Japan can pose challenges for students with limited time in the country, particularly given the prevalent requirement for Japanese language skills in many companies. Hitotsubashi University addresses this issue by offering two types of career exploration programs designed to give exchange students a practical glimpse into working in Japanese companies, thus enriching their global career aspirations.
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Hitotsubashi Internship Program (HIP) |
Hidden Opportunity pursuit (HOP) |
Program Type プログラム種類 |
Internship (Unpaid) インターンシップ(無給) |
Company Visit and Business Planning 地方企業訪問・ビジネスプランニング |
Duration 期間 |
4 Weeks 4週間 |
3 Days + Presentation Day 3日間+最終プレゼンテーション |
Time 時期 |
End of July to End of August 7月下旬~8月下旬 |
March 3月中 |
Venue 実施場所 |
Large, Midsize, and Venture Enterprises in Tokyo 東京の大・中堅企業・ベンチャー企業等 |
Sake Brewery and Tourism Office Visits in Chiba 千葉県の酒蔵・観光オフィス訪問 |
Number of Openings 募集人数 |
4-6 Participants 4-6名 |
6-8 Participants 6-8名 |
Japanese Proficiency 日本語能力 |
Required (N1/N2) 必要(N1/N2) |
Not Required 不要 |
Program Information プログラムインフォメーション |
Released in April 4月公募開始 [HIP2024 Program Info] |
Released in November 11月公募開始 [HOP2025 Program Info] |
Application Form 申請フォーム |
[HIP2024 Application] | [HOP2025 Application] |
Application Deadline 申請〆切 |
April 4月 |
November 11月 |
Application Inquiries 問合せ先 |
Study Abroad Section (Inbound), Educational Affairs Division 教務課留学支援係(受入担当) edu-gs.g2(at)*Please replace (at) with @ in the above e-mail addresses. ※上記のメールアドレスの(at)は@に変換してください。 |
Past Program Infomation 過去の募集要項 |
[HIP2023 Program Info] | [HOP2024 Program Info] |
[HIP2022 Program Info] | - |