FAQ(After Arrival)


Where do I obtain more information about clubs and circles on campus?

Clubs and circles introduction information compiled by our student organizations is available here.

For most up-to-date information, please also check the online directory here.

Why is Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Type B mandatory for ISDAK residents, and how do I apply for it?

Liability insurance covers injuries and damages that you cause to others (bicycle accident, fire damages). If uninsured, though unlikely to happen, these events will cost you a fortune. To protect yourselves, Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Type B coupled with “Gakkensai” is recommended to ALL students (and is required for ISDAK residents).
For more information, please check this page.

To apply, you need to fill out the payment slips attached to the actual insurance pamphlet that you will receive in your welcome packet, and pay the fee at a Post Office ATM. The pamphlet is also available at the Student Services Division (1F Main Building, Kunitachi West Campus) or the on-site staff at ISDAK/Kunitachi International House/Chuwa-ryo/Keimeikan residence halls.

I entered Japan on a “Temporary Visitor” status because my Certificate of Eligibility (COE) was not issued in time for my enrollment. What should I do now?

In genearal, enrolling at a university under the status of “short-term stay” is not allowed. Therefore, consult with your academic advisor, graduate school office or academic affairs division, and return to your home country by the expiration date of your “short-term stay” status. After obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility (COE), please proceed with the immigration procedures for obtaining a student visa and return to Japan. Note that changing your status from “short-term stay” to “student” while in Japan is a case-by-case procedure and not guaranteed to be approved.

I lost my residence card. What should I do now?

If you noticed that you lost your residence card is lost or stolen while in Japan,

1) Go to a local police station or police booth and file a police report for lost article certificate (紛失届)or theft report certificate(盗難届), whichever is appropriate.

2) Re-apply at the Immigration Bureau (Tachikawa Branch Office) within 14 days from the date that you noticed the fact .

3)Documents to be submitted to the Immigration Bureau are:
a) The Police Report
b) Application for Reissuance of a Residence Card (lost) Form
c) An ID photo (4 x 3 cm, taken within three months prior to the date of
d) Passport

There is no application fee.

If you are abroad at the time you lost your card, you must notify the Immigration Bureau upon your re-entry to Japan.

I will graduate soon but I haven’t found a job yet. I would like to continue searching for a job in Japan after I graduate. What should I do about my visa?

Those who will continue their job search after graduating must change their visa status to “Designated Activities” as soon as their graduation date is confirmed. Please see here for details about the application process.