Exchange Students

Hitotsubashi University student exchange is conducted under agreements with partner institutions. The study period ranges from one semester (6 months) to two semesters (1 academic year). Candidates must be officially nominated by a partner institution in order to study at Hitotsubashi as an exchange student. Applications submitted without nomination will not be accepted. There are two semesters available for exchange students: Spring/Summer (starting in April) and Autumn/Winter (starting in September).

Exchange students cannot earn a degree since Hitotsubashi University accepts them as non-degree seeking students.

Partner Institutions in Student Exchange Agreements

Only applications from partner institutions will be accepted for the Hitotsubashi student exchange program. A list of partner institutions is available here .

Application Procedure for Student Exchange

Undergraduate Students

Hitotsubashi University accepts undergraduate exchange students in five faculties: Commerce and Management, Economics, Law, Social Sciences and Social Data Science. Only students from partner institutions who have been nominated as exchange students by their home universities can apply to study at Hitotsubashi for one semester (6 months) or for two semesters (1 academic year). Once accepted, each student will be placed in one of the four faculties. However, students can take courses offered by all four faculties. In addition to the courses offered by each faculty, Japanese language courses are also available to exchange students. For the details of each faculty, please refer to this link.


Postgraduate Students

Hitotsubashi University accepts postgraduate exchange students in seven graduate schools. Only students from partner institutions who have been nominated as exchange students by their home universities can apply to Hitotsubashi for one semester (6 months) or for two semesters (1 academic year). After applications have been screened, successful students will be accepted into one of the graduate schools. In addition to the courses offered by each graduate school, Japanese language courses are also available to exchange students. For the details of each graduate school, please refer to this link.


Language Proficiency and GPA Score Requirements

Language Requirements: Applicants must possess either Japanese language proficiency or English language proficiency.

English: TOEFL iBT 79, IELTS 6.0, CEFR B2, or equivalent level of English proficiency.
Japanese: JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Level 2, N2, or equivalent level of Japanese proficiency.

  • The above language requirements are waived for applicants from partner institutions in the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
  • Applicants from the partner institutions whose programs are fully conducted in English are exempted with the letter of proof from the partner institutions.

*If applicants do not have TOEFL, IELTS, or CEFR scores, then their home institution must issue a supporting letter stating that they possess the equivalent language ability.

GPA score requirements: Applicants must have a GPA score of 2.7 or above on a 4.0 scale.

If the 4.0 scale doesn’t apply to the grading system at your home university, please convert it to the 4.0 scale.


Application Procedure for Reasonable Accommodations

Hitotsubashi university provides reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities.

If you wish to apply for it, please see below for information on how to apply.

・For undergraduate students: Click here

・For graduate students: Click here



Exchange students are given priority to live in the accommodation for international student on the Kodaira International Campus. Only single-person rooms in the shared type are available. Couple’s room or family room is not be available.

Hitotsubashi University international student accommodation -Residence Hall Ikkyo-Ryo (Kodaira)

Exchange students who have been received acceptance letter will then next receive an information packet including Residence Hall information via email. Please follow the instructions of the information packet.