大学の証明書が必要なとき|Request for a Certificate
- 大学が発行できる書類|Type of Certificate
- 奨学金受給証明書|Application forms for a Certificate of Receipt of Scholarships
- 推薦状(就職活動に伴う在留資格変更)|Request for an Official Letter of Recommendation to Change/Extend Visa Status to Seek Employment
- 各種証明書発行依頼(過去に在籍していた交流学生向け)|Request for Certificate Issuance (for past exchange students)
大学が発行できる書類|Type of Certificate
【国立キャンパス所属学生 Kunitachi Campus Students】
書類の種類 Type of Certificate |
申請できる人 Who can apply |
申請窓口 Where to request |
学部生 Undergraduate students |
大学院生 Postgraduate students |
在学証明書 Certificate of Enrollment (Japanese/English) |
正規生 Degree-seeking students |
証明書自動発行機 (西キャンパス本館1階にあります) The certificate issuing machines (in the Main Bldg. 1st floor, West Campus) |
非正規生 Non-Degree-seeking students |
教務課教務係(学務担当) Educational Affairs Division (Educational Affairs Section) |
所属研究科事務室 Your Graduate School’s Office |
成績証明書 Academic Transcript (Japanese/English) |
正規生 Degree-seeking students |
証明書自動発行機 (西キャンパス本館1階にあります) The certificate issuing machines (in the Main Bldg. 1st floor, West Campus) |
非正規生 Non-Degree-seeking-students ※過去に在籍していた交流学生の方で、各種証明書が必要な方はこちらをご参照ください。 *If you are a past exchange student, click here |
教務課教務係(学務担当) Educational Affairs Division (Educational Affairs Section) |
所属研究科事務室 Your Graduate School’s Office |
(学部)卒業見込証明書 (Undergraduate)Certificate of Expected Graduation (Japanese/English) |
(学部)4年生 (Undergraduate)4th year degree-seeking students |
証明書自動発行機 (西キャンパス本館1階にあります) The certificate issuing machines (in the Main Bldg. 1st floor, West Campus) |
– | |
(大学院)修了見込証明書 (Postgraduate)Certificate of Expected Graduation (Japanese/English) |
(大学院)正規生 (Postgraduate)Degree-seeking students |
– | 所属研究科事務室 Your Graduate School’s Office |
学生生徒旅客運賃割引証 (学割証) Student Discount Certificate |
正規生 Degree-seeking students |
証明書自動発行機 (西キャンパス本館1階にあります) The certificate issuing machines (in the Main Bldg. 1st floor, West Campus) |
交流学生 Exchange students |
教務課教務係(学務担当) Educational Affairs Division (Educational Affairs Section) 【学割証の発行について/Student Travel Fare Discount Certificates】 |
通学定期券乗車券の購入 (通学定期乗車券発行控・通学証明書) Student Commuter Pass |
正規生 Degree-seeking students |
教務課教務係(学務担当) Educational Affairs Division (Educational Affairs Section) |
所属研究科事務室 Your Graduate School’s Office |
交流学生 Exchange students |
【こちら】を確認の上、申請 Apply after checking [HERE] |
【こちら】を確認し、所属研究科事務室にて申請、または申込フォームから申請 Please check [HERE] and apply at the office of your graduate school or submit the application form. |
奨学金受給証明書 Certificates of Receipt of Scholarships |
国費留学生 MEXT Scholarship |
国費留学生 MEXT Scholarship students |
教務課留学支援係(受入担当) Study Abroad Section (Inbound), Educational Affairs Division |
JASSO(協定受入)奨学金 JASSO Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan |
JASSO(協定受入)奨学金を受給している交流学生 Grant holders of JASSO Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan |
教務課留学支援係(受入担当) Study Abroad Section (Inbound), Educational Affairs Division |
学習奨励費 Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students |
学習奨励費を受給している私費留学生 Grant holders of Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students |
学生支援課奨学事業係 Scholarship Section, Student Services Division |
一橋大学基金奨学金 (本学へ留学) Hitotsubashi University Foundation Scholarships (Inbound to HU) |
一橋大学基金奨学金を受給している私費留学生 Grant holders of Hitotsubashi University Foundation Scholarship |
学生支援課奨学事業係 Scholarship Section, Student Services Division |
一橋大学基金奨学金 (海外へ留学) Hitotsubashi University Foundation Scholarship (Outbound from HU) |
本学学生で派遣留学制度を利用し、一橋大学基金奨学金を受給している者 Grant holders of Hitotsubashi University Foundation Scholarship |
教務課留学支援係(派遣担当) Study Abroad Section (Outbound), Educational Affairs Division |
推薦状(就職活動に伴う在留資格変更) Official Letter of Recommendation to Change/Extend Visa Status to Seek Employment |
就職活動のため、在留資格を変更したい学生 International students who are planning to search for a job after graduation |
留学生・海外留学相談室 International Student and Study Abroad Advising Office |
その他の証明書 Other Certificates |
一橋大学在学生向けのページを参照してください。 See the information on the current student’s website. |
【千代田キャンパス所属学生 Chiyoda Campus Students】
書類の種類 Type of Certificate |
申請できる人 Who can apply |
申請窓口 Where to request |
在学証明書 Certificate of Enrollment (Japanese/English) |
ICS・FS・BL学生 (ICS/FS/BL students) |
千代田キャンパス事務室 Chiyoda Campus Administration Office |
経営管理プログラム学生 (BA students) |
所属研究科事務室 Your Graduate School’s Office |
成績証明書 Academic Transcript (Japanese/English) |
ICS・FS・BL学生 (ICS/FS/BL students) |
千代田キャンパス事務室 Chiyoda Campus Administration Office |
経営管理プログラム学生 (BA students) |
所属研究科事務室 Your Graduate School’s Office |
※過去に在籍していた交流学生の方で、各種証明書が必要な方はこちらをご参照ください。 *If you are a past exchange student,click here. |
修了見込証明書 Certificate of Expected Graduation (Japanese/English) |
ICS・FS・BL学生 (ICS/FS/BL students) |
千代田キャンパス事務室 Chiyoda Campus Administration Office |
経営管理プログラム学生 (BA students) |
所属研究科事務室 Your Graduate School’s Office |
学生生徒旅客運賃割引証 (学割証) Student Discount Certificate |
ICS・FS・BL学生 (ICS/FS/BL students) |
千代田キャンパス事務室 Chiyoda Campus Administration Office |
経営管理プログラム学生 (BA students) |
所属研究科事務室 Your Graduate School’s Office |
奨学金受給証明書 Certificates of Receipt of Scholarships |
国費留学生 MEXT Scholarship |
国費留学生 MEXT Scholarship students |
千代田キャンパス事務室 Chiyoda Campus Administration Office |
JASSO(協定受入)奨学金 JASSO Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan |
JASSO(協定受入)奨学金を受給している交流学生 Grant holders of JASSO Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan |
千代田キャンパス事務室 Chiyoda Campus Administration Office |
学習奨励費 Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students |
学習奨励費を受給している私費留学生 Grant holders of Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students |
学生支援課奨学事業係 Scholarship Section, Student Services Division |
一橋大学基金奨学金 (本学へ留学) Hitotsubashi University Foundation Scholarships (Inbound to HU) |
一橋大学基金奨学金を受給している私費留学生 Grant holders of Hitotsubashi University Foundation Scholarship |
学生支援課奨学事業係 Scholarship Section, Student Services Division |
一橋大学基金奨学金 (海外へ留学) Hitotsubashi University Foundation Scholarship (Outbound from HU) |
本学学生で派遣留学制度を利用し、一橋大学基金奨学金を受給している者 Grant holders of Hitotsubashi University Foundation Scholarship |
教務課留学支援係(派遣担当) Study Abroad Section (Outbound), Educational Affairs Division |
推薦状(就職活動に伴う在留資格変更) Official Letter of Recommendation to Change/Extend Visa Status to Seek Employment |
就職活動のため、在留資格を変更したい学生 International students who are planning to search for a job after graduation |
留学生・海外留学相談室 International Student and Study Abroad Advising Office |
その他の証明書 Other Certificates |
一橋大学在学生向けのページを参照してください。 See the information on the current student’s website. |
奨学金受給証明書|Application forms for a Certificate of Receipt of Scholarships
(MEXT Scholarship, Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students, JASSO Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan, and Hitotsubashi University Foundation Scholarship)
交付申請書|Application form
If you need to submit a Certificate of Receipt of Scholarship to the Immigration Bureau or city hall, apply for the certificate to each section at the corresponding section. As it takes several days to issue a certificate, please apply at least five working days prior to the day you need it.
* Application form for a Certificate related to study abroad on exchange from Hitotsubashi University is available at the Educational Affairs Division, Study Abroad Section (Outbound).
推薦状(就職活動に伴う在留資格変更)|Request for an Official Letter of Recommendation to Change/Extend Visa Status to Seek Employment
If you wish to stay in Japan and look search for a job after graduation, you can change your visa status from “Student” to undertaking “Designated Activities” for maximum of 360 days (a 180-day period that is renewable once). To apply for a change of visa status, you need to submit an Official Letter of Recommendation to the Immigration Bureau. Please see here for more details.
各種証明書再発行依頼(過去に在籍していた交流学生向け)|Request for Certificate Issuance (for past exchange students)
[学部交流学生だった方|For past undergraduate exchange students]
If you are a past undergraduate exchange student, and need a certificate issued by Hitotsubashi University, please fill incomplete the request form, and then, submit the form to the Certificate Administration Office along with a copy of your identification (e.g., a passport, etc.).
必要書類|Required documents
- 交流学生向け交付申請書/Application form for certificate issuance (exchange students)
- 身分証明書(パスポートなどの公的証明書)の写し/Identification copy (passport, etc.)
- 委任状(代理人が受け取る場合)/Letter of proxy (if a proxy receives a certificate on the applicant’s behalf)(23KB)
提出先|Please send the application documents to
一橋大学教務課(証明書担当) certificate@ad.hit-u.ac.jp
[大学院交流学生だった方 / /For past postgraduate exchange students]
If you are a past postgraduate exchange student, and require a certificate issued by Hitotsubashi University, please contact your graduate school’s office directly.