Residence Status and Various Procedures
Extension of the Period of Stay (Renewal of Visa)
International students are permitted to stay in Japan for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 1 year and 3 months, 2 years, 2 years and 3 months, 3 years, 3 years and 3 months, 4 years, or 4 years and 3 months, with the visa status of “Student.” If you wish to remain in Japan with the same visa status beyond your authorized period, you need to apply for an extension of the period of stay at the Immigration Bureau no later than the expiration date of your current visa. The Immigration Bureau accepts applications for extension from 3 months prior to the visa expiration date. Please note that the Immigration Bureau is closed on weekends and public holidays. Anyone who stays in Japan beyond the authorized period is subjected to deportation under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, please ensure that your period of stay does not expire during the summer, winter, or spring vacations.
The required documents and handling fee are as follows:
- Application for Extension of Period of Stay (This form is also available at the Immigration Bureau.)
For the form that has to be completed by the university, please inquire at the Educational Affairs Division (Kyomu-ka) if you are an undergraduate student, or at your graduate school office if you are a graduate student. - Photo (4 x 3 cm) taken within the last six months
- Certificate of Enrollment for:
- Undergraduate Students (degree-seeking students): This is available at the certificate -issuing machine on the 1st floor of the Main Building of the West Campus.
- Undergraduate Students (non-degree- seeking students): You should apply for the issuance of the certificate at the Educational Affairs Division (Educational Affairs Section).
- Graduate Students (degree-seeking students): This is available at the certificate -issuing machine on the 1st floor of the Main Building of the West Campus.
- Graduate Students (non-degree-seeking students): You should apply for the issuance of the certificate at the Admin Office of the Graduate School Admin Office in which you are enrolled.
- Transcript (as above)
- Passport
- Residence Card / Certificate of Alien Registration
- Student ID Card
- Handling fee of 4,000 yen (From April 2025 6,000yen at the counter/5,500yen online)
- Proof of Financial Support: Certificate of Receipt of Scholarship, Proof of Receipt of Support, Photocopy of bank book, etc.
*Additional documents may be required. Please follow the instructions provided by the Immigration Bureau.
Change of Visa Status
The usual visa status for international students who study and research at a university in Japan is “Student.” If your visa status is not “Student,” you will not be able to receive services provided to international students such as scholarships for international students and tutorial services.
The required documents and handling fee are as follows:
- Application for Change of Status of Residence (This form is also available at the Immigration Bureau.) For the form that has to be completed by the university, please inquire at the Educational Affairs Division (Kyomu-ka) if you are an undergraduate student, or at your graduate school office if you are a graduate student.
- Photo (4 x 3 cm) taken within the last six months
- Passport
- Residence Card / Certificate of Alien Registration
- Proof of Acceptance (photocopy) or Certificate of Enrollment
- Handling fee of 4,000 yen (From April 2025 6,000yen at the counter/5,500yen online)
- Proof of Financial Support: Certificate of Receipt of Scholarship, Proof of Receipt of Support, Photocopy of bank book, etc.
*Additional documents may be required. Please follow the instructions provided by the Immigration Bureau.
Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted Under the Status of Residence Previously Granted/Part-time Jobs
In general, international students coming to Japan under the resident status of “Student” are not allowed to work (i.e., running business or engaging in an activity that will yields remuneration).
However, with the exception of adult entertainment and other work, they may engage in part-time jobs as long as said work does not interfere with their studies or research. Permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under one’s resident status must be obtained from a Regional Immigration Bureau before one starts a part-time job.
If you engage in a part-time job without receiving permission, engage in an activity not authorized or permitted under the resident status of “Student”, or work more than the legally permitted hours, you may be subject to punishment, including deportation. In particular, there have lately been cases of students being lured into engaging in forbidden part-time jobs and getting discovered, so if you are even a little suspicious, please contact the ISSAAO. Note that it has become possible for those who newly entering in Japan and have been granted the resident status of “Student” to apply for permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted under one’s resident status at the port of entry, with the exception of those who have been granted a period of stay of 3 months.
The required documents are as follows:
- Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted Under The Status of Residence Previously Granted (Form available at a Regional Immigration Bureau. It can also be downloaded from the Ministry of Justice website.)
- Passport
- Residence Card
- Student ID
The details of the permission granted for engaging in part-time jobs are as follows. All international student with the resident status of “Student” may work (i.e., running business or engaging in an activity that will yields remuneration) for no more than 28 hours per week (or 8 hours per day during university vacations). However, even within the aforementioned hours, you are not allowed to work at adult entertainment establishments (such as hostess bars or nightclubs) or gambling establishments (such as pachinko, mahjong, or game parlors). Even if you are simply washing dishes, cleaning, or performing similar types of labor, working at these types of establishments is forbidden.
You must also submit a form to a Regional Immigration Bureau if any of your family members (“Dependent”) are doing part-time jobs. If the part-time job location changes, a new application for permission must be applied. Dependents may not work more than 28 hours per week (the time allocation is up to them).
Looking for Part-time Jobs
Job-openings are posted on the bulletin board of the Student Services Division in cooperation with the Japan Student Services Organization. If you are interested in a particular part-time job, you can receive the details from the Student Services Division.
Visa Status During a Leave of Absence
When a “Student” visa holder fails to fulfill his/her obligations as a student (i.e., study or research) for 3 consecutive months or more without a valid/good reason, his/her visa may be cancelled. If you take a leave of absence without a valid/good reason, you must leave Japan promptly or change your visa status.
Returning from a Leave of Absence
If you are returning from a leave of absence, apply for a “Student” visa again. Read the instructions below, and inform the Educational Affairs Division (Educational Affairs Section) at least 4 months before the date of your intended return to the school.
(Instructions) Certificate of Eligibility (COE) Proxy Application for returning from a Leave of Absence to HU (Japanese)
*Granting of residence status is generally a lengthy process. Application forms must be submitted at least 4 months before the date of your intended return to the school.
*Application forms for changing residence status can be downloaded from the “Download Center” menu on the CELS.
Important Notices Regarding Graduation or Completion of Courses
After graduation from Hitotsubashi University (at the end of the month of completion), you are not allowed to stay in Japan with a “College Student” status regardless of the expiration date of your visa status. If you plan to stay in Japan for a while to prepare to return to your home country, etc., please change your visa status to “Temporary Visitor” or other appropriate visa status immediately.
Permission to engage in part-time work will also expire after graduation.
Visa Status for Seeking Employment after Graduation
Regardless of the expiration date of your visa status, you are required to change your status of residence to “Designated Activities” immediately after graduation or completion of your studies.
If the change of status of residence to “Designated Activities” is approved, you will be granted a status of residence for 6 months, which can be renewed only once. (The maximum period of stay is 6 months plus 6 months, or one year.)
To change your status to “Designated Activities”, you must obtain a letter of recommendation issued by the university and submit it with other necessary documents to the Immigration and Residence Office.
A letter of recommendation will be issued to international students who have been seeking employment while at the university and will continue to stay in Japan after graduation/completion of their studies to seek employment, if they meet the requirements. (Click HERE (346KB) for details on requirements, etc.)
Please click HERE (303KB) for details on the procedures for issuing a letter of recommendation and required documents.
Once the letter of recommendation is issued, the student must apply for a change of status at the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau in person with the required documents. For details, please refer to the Ministry of Justice website: Status of Residence “Designated Activities”.
Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau
For further information on this matter, contact the Tachikawa Branch Office of the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau or other branch offices. Note that all documents in foreign languages must be accompanied by Japanese translations.
(1)Tachikawa Branch Office
[Address] Tachikawa Legal Affairs Joint Government Bldg., 3-31-2 Kita, Kunitachi, Tokyo
[TEL] 042-528-7179
[Hours] 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays)
- 30-minute walk from the North Exit of JR Tachikawa Station
We recommend taking the bus. Outside the North Exit, Tachikawa Bus bus stops can be found. From the No. 12 bus stop, take the Route 53 bus bound for Kitamachi and get off at the Tama-Shakenjo bus stop. - 30-minute walk from the North Exit of JR Kunitachi Station
Alternatively, catch the “Kunikko” bus (a bus service operated by Kunitachi City) at the bus stop in front of Tama Shinkin Bank on the “Kita” or “Kita-nishinaka” route and get off at the Kita-Daiichi-Kouen-Nishi bus stop. The branch office is within a 10-minute walk.
(2)Immigration Information Center, Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau
[Address] 5-5-30 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo
[TEL] 0570-013904 (IP, PHS, overseas: (+81)03-5796-7112)